Thursday, January 5, 2012

Safwan Anang Bangga Jawab Exam atas Katil Hospital

Akibat menjadi robot kepada pemimpin anugerah tuhan,padah menimpa terhadap Safwan Anang apabila terpaksa menjawab exam di atas katil hospital sahaja sedangkan rakannya yang lain di kuliah menjawab dengan selesa di dewan dan bilik peperiksaan.

Mungkin mahukan publisiti bagi menunjukkan dirinya betul-betul sakit dan cedera parah,dia menjawab peperiksaan di atas katil sahaja.Tetapi,yang menjadi kemusykilan ,mengikut laporan perubatan yang diterima dari seseorang yang terpaksa dirahsiakan identitinya,Safwan Anang mungkin dilihat mampu menjawab examnya di univerisitinya sahaja tanpa terus berada di Hospital.

Lihat laporannya:

Muhamad safwan anang was brought to hospital slim river following the allaged scuffle with the police during demostration at UPSI. He claimed sustaining loss of conciousness (LOC) during that event. He however, was fully concious upon arrival at Hospital Slim River. 

> Physical Examination showed that he sustained small abrasion over his lower inner lips and soft tissues injury over his chest. . Chest x-ray did not show any rib fractures or pneumothorax. 

There was no internal injury. He had an old cheekbone fracture. During his hospital stay for more than 24 hours, he was very stable, he can talk, can eat normally,he did not exhibit any symtoms or signs of head injury and was discharged home this afternoon. 

> Allegation that he was punched twice on the face,kicked on his chest was baseless as there were no evidence of such pattern of injuries. However, such pattern of injuries as sustained by him may be contributed to fall and can occur during scuffling. 

> The news that he comatose or had life threatening injury as a result of the schuffled was a total lie. If somebody comatose, he definetely will not be left on the streacher alone and addmitted to the general ward. If he comatose, he will require assisted ventilation to support his breathing and placed in the intensive care unit. Furthermore, he will not be discharged the next day.

> The other guy (Ammar) sustained linear laceration above the nasal bridge and required suturing to close his wound.This pattern of injury consistent with the injury caused by sharp objects. No evidence that he was punched or injury caused by blunt objects. He received outpatient treatment and was subsequently discharged home.

Kesimpulan daripada "laporan perubatan" tersebut yang simpulkan:

1. Safwan Anang berada dalam kedaan sedar ketika tiba di Hospital Tanjung Malim.

2. Tiada kecederaan seperti dipukul dan ditumbuk pada tubuh Safwan Anang. Hanyalah kesan lebam akibat pergelutan. (ketika mengelak diri dari ditangkap?)

3. Kesan luka Ammar disebabkan objek tajam. (Apakah disebabkan oleh kaca pintu Klinik yang pecah akibat pencerobohan oleh mereka?)

1 comment:

  1. Takpe la.. Dia memang suka exam atas katil. Lepas ni dia exam atas tanah la pulak.


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